#!/usr/bin/env python from socket import create_connection from sys import * from fractions import gcd from numpy import random from operator import * from time import * def extended_euclidean(a, b): x = 0 lastx = 1 y = 1 lasty = 0 while b != 0: q = a // b a, b = b, a % b x, lastx = (lastx - q * x, x) y, lasty = (lasty - q * y, y) return (a, lastx, lasty) def inverse(var, module): v = extended_euclidean(var,module) return (v[0]==1)*(v[1] % module) def CRT(RemList,ModulList): N = reduce(mul,ModulList) # multiply ModulList together Ns = [N/mi for mi in ModulList] # create list of all N/multiply ys = [inverse(Ni, mi) for Ni,mi in zip(Ns,ModulList)] # get inverse elements of Ni by module mi return (reduce(add,[ri*Ni*yi for ri,Ni,yi in zip(RemList,Ns,ys)]) % N,N) g = 2 primes = [37975227936943673922808872755445627854565536638199, 40094690950920881030683735292761468389214899724061, 6122421090493547576937037317561418841225758554253106999, 5846418214406154678836553182979162384198610505601062333, 327414555693498015751146303749141488063642403240171463406883, 693342667110830181197325401899700641361965863127336680673013] reminders = [] print "Receiving reminders..." for i in xrange(0,6,1): conn = create_connection(('', 3120)); data = conn.recv(1024); conn.send(str(primes[i]) + "\n") sleep(0.1) data = conn.recv(1024); conn.send(str(g) + "\n") sleep(0.1) data = conn.recv(1024); res1 = data.split()[-1] conn = create_connection(('', 3120)); data = conn.recv(1024); conn.send(str(primes[i]) + "\n") sleep(0.1) data = conn.recv(1024); conn.send(str(primes[i]-g) + "\n") sleep(0.1) data = conn.recv(1024); res2 = data.split()[-1] reminders.append((int(res1)+int(res2))%primes[i]) print "Using Chinese Remainder Theorem to recover flag..." result = CRT(reminders,primes) f = result[0]/2 encoded_flag = str(hex(f))[2:-1] flag = encoded_flag.decode("hex") print flag